Small Animal Surgery
Johnny Kriek was awarded a RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2005. At present Johnny is the only vet in our area who holds this qualification. In addition to routine spay, neuter, mass removals, wound treatment, ophthalmic surgery and ear surgery.

Johnny has extensive experience in the following:
- Complicated and uncomplicated fracture repairs, appendicular joint surgery to repair traumatic or degenerative injuries
- Reconstructive skin surgery using a variety of skin flap and skin graft techniques
- Surgical salvage procedures including total ear canal ablation with lateral or ventral bulla osteotomies, mandibulectomies, limb amputation, anal gland resection, lateral laryngeal tie back, urethrostomy, enucleation
- Explorative thoracotomies and coeliotomies for the investigation and if possible, treatment of many traumatic, neoplastic, vascular, or infectious diseases of organs within these cavities
- Complete perioperative care and management of surgical thyroidectomy cases
- Complicated surgical dental extractions
A visiting European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Surgery is also available to our clients and patients when required.
With the support of the Internal Medicine service and fantastic veterinary nurses, surgical patients at KGVS receive excellent team care ensuring that all of their nutritional needs are met, their pain is monitored and managed, and that they are cared for in a clean and comfortable.
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