7 Days A Week
01737 360468

38 Brighton Road Banstead Surrey SM7 1BT

Nutrition and Weight Management

We are here to provide you support and help choosing the correct diet for your pet and to achieve and maintain its optimal body condition. Our vets and nurses are trained to provide a comprehensive nutritional assessment of your pet, and can discuss the features and benefits of various diet options for your dog, cat, rabbit, hamsters, guinea pigs and many other pets!

We are also aware of a growing obesity problem in our pet population. It is estimated that 1/3 of our cats and dogs in the UK are overweight. Overweight animals may suffer from decreased life span, orthopaedic problems, chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, heart conditions, liver disease, respiratory disease) and they may struggle with arthritis

There are many reasons why pets may become overweight, similar to those in humans, including:

  • Inadequate exercise
  • Inappropriate diet
  • Behavioural issues (stealing, begging)
  • Breed susceptibility
  • Certain chronic diseases and medications
  • Too many tidbits and treats

At KGVS we would like to encourage you to schedule a free weight management clinic appointment with one of our nurses if you are concerned about your pet’s weight or would like some assistance with choosing or changing their diet. We can give you advice and support on instituting a weight loss programme for your pet, and continue to help you with monitoring their progress so that we can ensure they are losing weight at a sensible and safe pace.

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What Our Clients Say

Excellent Vets, the staff are all very courteous and helpful at all times. Would highly recommend.

- Ms. Niemann

Proactive Healthcare for Pets

KGVS offers an all inclusive plan for dogs, cats and rabbits of all ages to provide their preventative health care needs at an affordable monthly rate.

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